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Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement is about creating the right conditions for everyone to give their best every day day, committed to your goals and values and motivated to contribute to organisational success.

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"Effective Employee Engagement is about putting in place the building blocks that help your people to give their best every day"

Employee Engagement isn't a thing!

Contrary to popular belief, employee engagement isn't something you do or something that can be scheduled for 10-12 on a Tuesday morning! 


It's much more about how you do what you do.  And it's gotten a bit of a bad rap in recent years -it's become a bit of a dirty buzz word.  And that's largely because it's become more about the survey and the score and less about your people. 

But it is an incredibly powerful tool that allows your people to give the most of themselves and for your organisation to reap the rewards of that discretionary effort.


There are four fundamental building blocks when it comes to creating a really engaging place to work:

Compelling narrative

We'll work with your people and senior leaders to create a really strong corporate narrative explains to your people where you've come from, where you're going and how you'll get there.  It underpins and supports all of your internal communications, showing your people the role they'll play in your success. 

Engaging Leaders.

Your people leaders are the most important people in your organisation - we work with your HR team to ensure that they understand the importance of their roles and that they have the confidence, skills and tools to be the best they can be.

Employee Voice

Listening to employees isn't just about the annual survey.  We can help you to create new opportunities to listen to your people, both formal and informal.  We've also worked with lots of our clients to create action planning frameworks that give your people an opportunity to address the issues they've identified in their various teams

Acting with Integrity

Doing what we say we'll do is key to building trust, a significant driver of engagement.  Acting with integrity is a theme that runs through the work we do with leaders and on internal communications strategies. 

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